Friday, September 25, 2009

101 in 1001 List

Welcome to my blog all about my 101 in 1001. The aim of this list is to achieve 101 things in 1001 days. These activities need to be completed by Friday 22nd June 2012.
Start Date: Friday 25th September 2009.

101 in 1001

1.Go to America
2.Go to Canada
3.Go on a roadtrip with a good friend...not just drive home and back
4.Go to Japan
5.Get my Adult Passport
6.Go to wineglass bay
7.Go to Europe
8.Go to a New York Broadway show
9.Visit one of the Wonders of the World
10.Complete A-Z challenge (26 towns,villages or cities that start with each letter of the alphabet)

11.Read the scriptures from start to finish (0/5)
12.Go to every temple in Australia (0/5)
13.Go to the national YSA convention 2009
14.Spend an entire day with Kat when she gets off her mission listening to her stories
15.Spend an entire day listening to Rhys talk about his mission after his return
16.Spend at least an hour asking a return missionary all about his/her mission (not Rhys or Kat)
17.Complete my personal progress
18.Be able to recite all 100 scripture masteries (at least 25 at a time) (0/100)
19.Bear my testimony at least once every 3 months (0/10)

20.Take Dad out for a meal and pay for him
21.Call my parents once a week for one year (0/52)
22.Write a letter to each of my immediate family members (including in-laws) and tell them why I love them. Send it in the post. (0/7)
23.Spend the entire day with my niece
24.Write a “just-in-case” letter to my family

25.Go to an American Football game
26.Go one month without eating chocolate (0/30)
27.Get down to my goal weight...and stay there
28.Drink only water everyday for a month (0/30)
29.Go to 2 AFL games in person (That don't draw!! long story...ask me if you care) (0/2)
30.Go paintballing
31.Go horseback riding
32.Go Bungee Jumping
33.Go caving again
34.Go to bed by 10pm everynight for 2 weeks straight (0/14)

For Myself
35.Take a photo everyday for 365 days and make a book with a scripture or quote to go with each.
36.Go to the movies by myself
37.Make a new friend
38.Make a list of 101 things that make me happy
39.Make a list of 101 things I like about myself
40.Finish knitting my square blanket and give it away.
41.Get a massage
42.Write myself a “future” letter and open it on my 25th birthday
43.Make a time capsule and bury it in my backyard
44.Get professional photos taken of myself

For Others/Environment
45.Donate blood 5 times (0/5)
46.Donate $1 for every thing not completed on my list
47.Make 3 Operation Christmas Child Boxes (0/3)
48.Donate 101 million grains of rice on (0/101,000,000)
49.Plant a tree
50.Recycle 1001 items (0/1001)
51.Make 10 cards and send them (real snail mail) to my friends for their birthday (0/10)
52.Put extra money in someone's expired parking metre
53.Plan a Surprise Birthday Party for Someone
54.Finish Rhys' scrapbook about his mission

55.Put money into a piggybank for the 1001 days and DO NOT OPEN IT! Until 22/06/2012
56.Have $2000 saved up as an emergency fund
57.Make sure I'm still debt free, besides HECS

58.Send Kathryn at least 25 letters on her mission. (0/25)
59.Send Kat a package every 6 months she is on her mission (0/3)
60.Send a care package to a missionary
61.Send Rhys one last amazing package before he comes home

Just for Fun
62.Send a message in a bottle
63.Make the 101 things to do in Kmart list and complete it (0/101)
64.Play a Final Fantasy game
65.Reread the Twilight series (0/4)
66.Buy a Statue of Liberty m'n'm dispenser
67.Stay up for 24 hours straight and watch the sunrise and sunset for that day
68.Go to a drive-in theatre
69.Dance in the rain
70.Watch 101 movies I've never seen before (0/101)
71.Read 50 books (0/50)
72.Sleep under the stars
73.Go to Tasmazia and complete all of the mazes in one day
74.Watch the entire 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls again (0/7)
75.Have a Deep and Meaningful with a close friend
76.Meet 2 people in real life that I've only talked to on the internet (0/2)
77.Spend the day with Makala, listening to her about her Europe/America trip
78.Go to an art museum

79.Fall in Love
80.Have my first kiss
81.Kiss in the rain
82.Go on a date
83.Dance with someone to no music

84.Introduce myself to 50 new people (0/50)
85.Find and record 101 useless facts
86.Sing “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” without making a single mistake
87.Create 5 amazing “roadtrip soundtracks” (0/5)
88.Colour in an entire colouring in book
89.Write an entire letter to a friend with my left hand and send it
90.Win Solitaire 5 times in a row
91.Talk to a complete stranger on a flight
92.Listen to 101 songs on my itunes (all different) all of the way through (0/101)
93.Watch every dvd I own

94.Completed my Bachelor of Arts
95.Have a conversation entirely in Japanese (No english!!)
96.Have a conversation entirely in French (No english!!)
97.Learn to cook 5 meals entirely from scratch (0/5)

101 List
98.Create a blog for this list
99.Update blog for everything achieved
100.Inspire one other person to start their own 101 list (0/1)
101.Scrapbook some of the 101 events


  1. This is quite a list. Very well thought out--best of luck!

  2. If you haven't got it marked off already.....I'm totally inspired to start a list. This is AMAZING Lisa!

  3. I like your list! I started mine December 31, 2010 and so far it's a slow go. It looks like you're well on your way. Good luck with the last items :).


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