Travel 1.Go to America again - completed 19/01/10 2.Go to Canada - completed 23/01/10 3.Go on a roadtrip with a good friend...not just drive home and back 4.Go to Japan - Completed 10/11/11 5.Get my Adult Passport 6.Go to wineglass baycompleted 5/2/11 7.Go to Europe 8.Go to a New York Broadway show 9.Visit one of the Wonders of the World 10.Complete A-Z challenge (26 towns,villages or cities that start with each letter of the alphabet) (7/26)
Spiritual 11.Read the scriptures from start to finish (0/5) 12.Go to every temple in Australia (3/5) 13.Go to the national YSA convention 2009 - completed 31/12/09 14.Spend an entire day with Kat when she gets off her mission listening to her stories completed 6/4/11 15.Spend an entire day listening to Rhys talk about his mission after his return 16.Spend at least an hour asking a return missionary all about his/her mission (not Rhys or Kat)- Completed 2010 17.Complete my personal progress - Completed 17/01/10 18.Be able to recite all 100 scripture masteries (at least 25 at a time) (0/100) 19.Bear my testimony at least once every 3 months (9/10)
Family 20.Take Dad out for a meal and pay for him 21.Call my parents once a week for one year (52/52) - Completed 16/10/11 22.Write a letter to each of my immediate family members (including in-laws) and tell them why I love them. Send it in the post. (3/8) 23.Spend the entire day with my niece 24.Write a “just-in-case” letter to my family
Sports/Health 25.Go to an American Football game 26.Go one month without eating chocolate (30/30) Completed 30/5/10 27.Get down to my goal weight...and stay there 28.Drink only water everyday for a month (30/30) Completed 30/05/10 29.Go to 2 AFL games in person (That don't draw!! long story...ask me if you care) (0/2) 30.Go paintballing 31.Go horseback riding 32.Go Bungee Jumping 33.Go caving again 34.Go to bed by 10pm everynight for 2 weeks straight (0/14)
For Myself 35.Participate in Project 365 - take a photo everyday for 365 days 36.Go to the movies by myself - Completed 6/07/10 37.Make a new friend - Completed Feb 2010 38.Make a list of 101 things that make me happy (12/101) 39.Make a list of 101 things I like about myself (0/101) 40.Finish knitting my square blanket and give it away. 41.Get a massage 42. Write myself a “future” letter and open it on my 25th birthday - Completed 14/08/11 43.Make a time capsule and bury it in my backyard 44.Get professional photos taken of myself
For Others/Environment 45.Donate blood 5 times (4/5) 46.Donate $1 for every thing not completed on my list 47.Make 3 Operation Christmas Child Boxes(3/3) Completed 8/11/10 48.Donate 101,000 grains of rice on,250/101,000) 49.Plant a tree Completed 01/10/11 50.Recycle 1001 items (1001/1001) Completed May 2010 51.Make 10 cards and send them (real snail mail) to my friends for their birthday (0/10) 52.Put extra money in someone's expired parking metre 53.Plan a Surprise Birthday Party for Someone Completed 29th February 2012 54.Finish Rhys' scrapbook about his mission
Financial 55.Put money into a piggybank for the 1001 days and DO NOT OPEN IT! Until 22/06/2012 56.Have $2000 saved up as an emergency fund 57.Make sure I'm still debt free, besides HECS
Missionaries 58.Send Kathryn at least 25 letters on her mission. (25/25) Completed March 2011 59.Send Kat a package every 6 months she is on her mission (3/3) Completed 24/12/10 60.Send a care package to a missionary 61.Send Rhys one last amazing package before he comes home - completed 13/10/09
Just for Fun 62.Send a message in a bottle 63.Make the 101 things to do in Kmart list and complete it (0/101) 64.Play a Final Fantasy game 65.Reread the Twilight series (4/4) Completed September 2010 66.Buy a Statue of Liberty m'n'm dispenser Completed October 2011 67.Stay up for 24 hours straight and watch the sunrise and sunset for that day. 68.Go to a drive-in theatre 69.Dance in the rain Completed 23/01/11 70.Watch 101 movies I've never seen before (101/101) Completed 28/3/11 71.Read 50 books (28/50) 72.Sleep under the stars 73.Go to Tasmazia and complete all of the mazes in one day 74.Watch the entire 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls again (7/7) Goal completed 29/4/11 75.Have a Deep and Meaningful with a close friend - Completed June 2010 76.Meet 2 people in real life that I've only talked to on the internet (2/2) - Completed 25/01/10 77.Spend the day with Makala, listening to her talk about her Europe/America trip - Completed Nov 09 78.Go to an art museum - Completed 17/09/11
Romance 79.Fall in Love 80.Have my first kiss 81.Kiss in the rain 82.Go on a date Completed 18/11/10 83.Dance with someone to no music
Random 84.Introduce myself to 50 new people (50/50) Completed Jan 2011 85.Find and record 101 useless facts (101/101) Completed 09/06/11 86.Sing “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” without making a single mistake - Completed early 2010 87.Create 5 amazing “roadtrip soundtracks” (0/5) 88.Colour in an entire colouring in book 89.Write an entire letter to a friend with my left hand and send it 90.Win Solitaire 5 times in a row - 05/10/09 91.Talk to a complete stranger on a flight - Completed 19/01/10 92.Listen to 101 songs on my itunes (all different) all of the way through (101/101) - Completed 12/09/11 93.Watch every dvd I own
Education/Learning 94.Complete my Bachelor of Arts 95.Have a conversation entirely in Japanese (No english!!) - Completed 20/10/09 96.Have a conversation entirely in French (No english!!) - Completed 16/10/09 97.Learn to cook 5 meals entirely from scratch (2/5)
101 List 98.Create a blog for this list 99.Update blog for everything achieved 100.Inspire one other person to start their own 101 list (1/1) 101.Scrapbook some of the 101 events
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