Tuesday, August 16, 2011

#42 Write a letter to my 25 year old self

It's actually a really interesting experience to write a letter to yourself for 5 years in the future. 
I had to think about the things I would want to be doing by then, the person I want to be and other general things about myself.

It is kinda cool and very productive as it gives me some things to look forward to and work towards.

I will open the letter again on y 25th birthday...

As I get older birthday's seem like they are forever away, but they come quicker and quicker.

Now to just enjoy being young for a bit!! :D
Goal completed 14th August 2011


  1. such a cool idea! enjoy your early 20's :)

  2. Okay, that's funny. When i read this, I think it was a letter writing back to your younger 25-year-old self. Shows what an old lady I am:) Lucky you that you get to look forward to 25!

  3. I love this! I should write myself a letter :) haha


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